The Town is undergoing a housing assessment to identify community housing concerns, offer strategies to address housing needs, and provide a plan for confronting pressing housing issues. The following highlights capture the progression of the project:

  • Late Spring 2023:  The project kicked-off with discussion with Town staff, as well as data collection and preliminary analysis.
  • Summer 2023: Postcards were mailed to residents in and around the community with a link to a community-wide survey. The project team conducted stakeholder discussions and collected community feedback during the July 21st Farmers Market and Meekerpalooza events.
  • Sumer/Fall 2023: The draft report begins to take shape.
  • Earl Fall 2023: The final draft report is presented to the community during an open house, followed by a presentation to the Board.
  • Fall 2023: The final report is delivered to the Town.

Project resources include the following documents. Please click on the link to open the .pdf file: Housing Needs Assessment Getting Involved. Please click this link to participate in the community survey, scheduled to close in September:  https//